viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012



1.The Noun
2.The adjective
3.Basic regular and irregular verbs, in present
4. Simple Present
5. Present Progressive
6.The Routine
6.1. Some special and specific verbs and expressions
6.2. Frequency Adverbs


Ante todo, todo proyecto en lengua extranjera se debe basar en lo contemplado en la Ley General de Educación. 

El artículo 21 de La Ley General de Educación (Ley 115 de 1994) dispone que los establecimientos educativos deban ofrecer a sus estudiantes el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera desde el nivel básico. En consecuencia, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional define en la década de los noventa los lineamientos curriculares para orientar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los estudiantes en la educación básica y media.


1.General Goals
* To learn basic vocabulary related to nouns and adjectives to describe people
*To know and use in oral and written form, the structure of the Simple present and Present Progressive
*tell others about (his) (her) routine
2.Specific Goals
*To tell others What is (her) (his) favorite Story : fairytales
*To know and put in oral and written practice, some nouns related to people, jobs, places and things
*To know basic adjectives to describe people
*To put in oral and written practice the structure of the simple present tense, using  some basic regular      and irregular verbs
*To describe people and places
* To put in oral and written practice the structure of the present progressive tense, using  some basic     regular and irregular verbs
*To tell What people do
   *To present the daily routine


1.The Noun : people, jobs, places, animals, things
2.The adjective: to describe people (physical features and appearance)
3.Basic regular and irregular verbs, in present: list of basic verbs
4. Simple Present : linguistic structure. Examples, oral and written exercises
4.1.The third singular persons: conjugation of the verbs. Examples, oral and written practice
5. Present Progressive
5.1. Present  Progressive : linguistic structure. Examples, oral and written practice
6.The Routine
6.1. Some special and specific verbs and expressions: list of verbs: wake up. Get up, take a shower, brush, have breakfast…
6.2.Frequency Adverbs: sometimes, usually, generally, almost always, almost never, then, after that…
6.3.The Student’s Daily Routine


1.Selection of the  stories:  favorite students’ fairytales
2.Oral presentations
3.Group and individual work
4. Consultation of authors' biographies
5. Elaboration of drawings relating to stories
6. Description of the stories characters :  physical features and appearance
7. Mention  of jobs and description of places
8. Elaboration of a  little book about the story
9. Exhibition of the works
10.Oral and written presentation of the routines
11.Oral and written exercises: writing of sentences and short paragraphs
12. Recording of short videos


1. Motivation through the presentation of videos on some fairy tales in English
2. Consultation on the internet
3. Ability to use the new topics in readings, videos, oral and written reports and exhibitions
4. Verbal fluency and vocabulary studied management
5. Creativity and good presentation  of the drawings of the story
6. Correct  grammatical use of the studied structures, in oral and written form
7. knowledge and proper use of the studied verbs
8. Recording of short videos, about the stories presentation
9. Individual and group performance
9. Discipline, order, good attitude and responsibility during the development of the project